How do i practice coding interview --Dynamic Programming

I had been struggling with coding interviews a while. Even though I have over 10 years of working experience in the IT industry.

You should learn basic knowledge first. If you can’t figure out a way to solve the problem in 10 mins.
Please check out the answer from most votes or authors who do solve problems more than 400.

CS Dojo [English-Video]
Dynamic Programming 6 patterns in BytebyByte  [English-Video]
Dynamic Programming 5 patterns from Leetcode [English]
算法面試通關40 unit from 43 to 51  [Chinese-Video]
數據結構與算法之美 unit from 40 to 42 [Chinese]
Grokking Dynamic Programming Patterns [English]
題解 [Chinese]
背包問題九講 [Chinese]
Tip for solving a problem in CS Dojo, His video playlists. [English]

I have been trying a couple of online classes at the beginning of 2019.
Such as data structures and algorithms in Udacity and another class in ____.


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